If for example, a woman who is waiting for the birth of a child chooses a cesarean section. Then in such cases it is necessary to fully weigh everything for and everything against. What danger can appear during ordinary birth and cesarean section? In such cases, cesarean section is much better than ordinary birth. Each poor mother has its own individual organism. For example, someone has heart diseases, this increases the risk during natural birth, and the cesarean section will be best and more reliable. There are many risks during the cesarean section, this is an operation in which a different infection in the uterus can be entered, as well as to the pelvis or to the bladder. Blood loss with cesarean section. Unlike natural births with a cesarean section, you lose two times more blood. Very rare cases are required after childbirth. Blood transfusion. With a cesarean section, the intestines can weaken, this can lead to the appearance of bloating and discomfort in the intestines. With cesarean section, general anesthesia is used, this can lead to pneumonia. After such an operation, a woman needs much more time to restore her body. Caesarean section is simply necessary if various problems are detected in a child during childbirth. For example, respiratory disorder in a child, this can lead to various pathologies. If during ordinary childbirth the child is not threatened and the birth for the mother will pass normally. And for example, with a cesarean section, it can be such that the fetus will be damaged in a section. During the cut of the uterus itself, the surgeon can hurt your child with a scalpel. But this happens very rarely in medicine. The pluses of cesarean section, this is of course relief of the mother during pregnancy. If for example, the fruit is quite large and it will be difficult to give birth to a child in a natural way, then in this case it is better to choose a cesarean section. If for example, the mother has vision problems, then in this case the doctor himself begins to advise a cesarean section. Carrying out naturally can much worsen your vision. There are a lot of advantages of cesarean section, and there are also minuses. Before giving birth, you need to think everything very well and of course will serve as experts.