Pregnancy is a condition that applies to all types of animals and is characteristic only for females. Pregnancy is due to conception and acts the role of bearing cubs in the body of the female. As a rule, pregnancy ends with childbirth.
The process of pregnancy, germination of the embryo is characteristic of representatives of ground species, as well as for marine mammals. In most mammalian species, the nourishing of the embryo is carried out from the female through the placenta of the uterus throughout pregnancy.
Using the pregnancy calendar, you will be able to accurately calculate the gender of the child.
In various types of mammals, the period of pregnancy can occur from several days, and for some to several years. For example, in an elephantic, the bearing of the cub lasts approximately 2 years, and in long-legged bandicates, including Opossoma for about 12-13 days.
The process of pregnancy can serve as a result of natural fertilization, but this condition can also be the result of artificial insemination, where it is also worth mentioning implantation of fertilization, as a result of eco, which is likely to intraspecific and interspecific pregnancy.