The second birth, the third and subsequent births of a woman are combined into one name – repeated birth. Experts argue that there will always be a very big difference between the first and repeated births. What can be caused by this difference? In many women, repeated pregnancy can occur as the first pregnancy. But in some cases, everything can be completely different. That is, the first birth passed without any complications for the female body, but the second birth was very complex and painful. If the first pregnancy took place at an early age at about 18 years old, then the young mother could not fully realize the depth of occurring changes. Already in more adulthood, a woman will perceive pregnancy much more serious and, accordingly, more responsible. Pregnancy at the age of 20 can pass for a woman without any complications. It will be much more difficult to give birth at 35, as many experts say.
Pregnancy and childbirth should take place only under the supervision of an experienced specialist. During the period of all pregnancy, specialists can appoint various complex events. Ozonotherapy during pregnancy can be prescribed to a woman if she is on the grain of miscarriage. The course of therapeutic therapy will help a pregnant woman to improve the condition of her health and the condition of the baby. Ozonotherapy has a beneficial effect on the bloodstream in the placenta, therapeutic procedures will help to cope with the threat of miscarriage. Ozonotherapy has found its application in the fight against gestosis of pregnant women. Specialists found that ozone therapy can have a sufficiently powerful antitoxic, as well as antibacterial effects. It is necessary to ensure that pregnancy and childbirth must take place without any complications. Ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out for a period of thirty -four weeks. During this period, a woman has a very rapid development of the baby. A pregnant woman should eat fully during this period so that the baby can normally receive the necessary beneficial substances for normal development.