Before you start living without money, try to reduce your expenses first. Making the decision to live without money changes a lot in your life, especially if you live with other people and/or support them financially in some way.
It can be helpful to start small and try not to spend money for a week or a month – this will give you a better idea of whether this lifestyle is right for you. There are many ways to reduce expenses in your daily life, and even if you do not decide to give up money completely, these techniques will help you save money.
If you live not very far from work and can walk or bike to work, you can easily avoid such expenses as gas, parking, car maintenance. Plus, walking or cycling will be a good physical exercise, which is so often lacking in modern people!
Try not to buy food for a week. Use only those products that you have at home. Many sites have functions for searching recipes by products – this will give you some ideas of what you can cook.
If you like to spend money on entertainment, try to find free forms of entertainment. For example, local newspapers often publish announcements of upcoming events. You can also read books or use free Internet in public places, and libraries and some other places sometimes have free movie screenings. Try simply going for an evening walk, visiting friends, or just spending an evening with your family playing board games – all these forms of entertainment are completely free.