Leather bags: avoid fakes
Every girl knows that a leather bag is not only a stylish accessory, but also a practical purchase. A bag made of genuine leather will serve you for a long period of time, while it will delight with its impeccable look.
Currently buying a leather bag is not a problem. Specialized stores are found in every shopping center. Another thing is that not all of them offer goods from natural material. How not to make a mistake with the choice of an accessory? And how to determine a fake?
The first factor to take into account is the price of a leather bag. Designers say that the average price is 3000 – 4000 UAH., Since the skin is one of the most expensive materials, and the process of processing it requires a lot of time and effort. However, for many outlets, the price is not an indicator. On the shelves of stores you will find a lot of high -quality fakes, which in appearance are in no way inferior to the "original". Therefore, when choosing this accessory, it is worth paying attention to a number of other, no less important factors.
It is proved that the skin has heat transfer. This is easy to check. Take the bag, put your palm to any of its parts, if you feel that the site of the material begins to heat, then there is no doubt – in front of you is a bag made of genuine leather.
Then it is worth conducting a test for unevenness and roughness. On a real leather bag, they are barely noticeable. By the way, for some manufacturers of leather bags, such disadvantages are a kind of quality mark, an identification code, since companies that produce fake goods try to bring their goods to perfection – they produce bags with a perfectly flat surface. In the process of skin processing, it is simply impossible to achieve such an effect.
And a special piece of leather is attached to leather bags. This is a deliberate step from manufacturers. So they give each consumer the opportunity to feel the material from all sides and once again conduct a test for authenticity. In addition, this is very convenient – there are no traces of your experiments on the bag itself.
And finally – another test. It is known that the skin absorbs water perfectly. You should drip only a drop of water on a leather bag. If the water is absorbed, then in front of you is a bag made of genuine leather.
Article sponsor: online store of bags and accessories made of genuine leather Gallery-Bags