If we want to eliminate various legs, we need to perform various physical exercises. If there are problems such as excess weight or completeness, flabby and sagging skin, and of course the cereal. But in order to achieve relief legs, you need to perform complex exercises. Exercise complexes are performed on problem areas to achieve the desired result. For legs, physical exercises are useful of course to improve the functioning of the leg muscles, performing exercises, you will heal your legs and they begin to iron much younger. Exercises and gymnastics in a complex version will help you eliminate the flaws of the legs and emphasize the beauty of your legs. As you know, such problems as the fullness of the legs disappear, cereal. And of course the skin acquires a completely different look, it becomes more fit, smooth, the legs look great and the muscles become more healthy, and this is called relief legs.
The most difficult thing is to download the press, because the muscles work when performing various movements. Several complex leg exercises. The first exercise. To do this, you need to get up straight your back should also be straight, we take dumbbells and hold our dumbbells in lowered hands. Your hips need to be a little dot and bend your knees. And we begin to perform squats so that hands with dumbbells touch the floor a little.
When performing squats, you need to keep your back straight and the chest should also look forward. The second exercise. To perform this exercise, we need to get straight, our hands need to be held on the belt. And take one step forward, one leg is in the move of the step another should remain motionless in place. The knees should be about 90 degrees at an angle. And we begin to take steps, and we change our legs alternately. The third exercise. This exercise will help make your legs perfect and emphasize the beauty of the buttocks. To perform this exercise, we wake up we need to get up straight, we hold your back smoothly. We put our hands on the hips and begin to take a step to the side and with the steps of the hand we begin to stretch forward. The thigh should be a little set back, and now we get to the starting position, we pull the step towards the hand with the other foot again, if it is not difficult for you to perform this exercise, you can slightly add the speed of steps.
Do not forget about the muscles you need to constantly strain them. The fourth exercise. To perform this exercise, we need to take dumbbells and stand on the right leg. The left leg needs to be bent back at an angle of 45 degrees. We start to let go to the floor, while the right leg should also bend slightly. The chest should be directed as forward as possible, and the back should not bend. Fifth exercise. To perform this exercise, we wakes up standing standing against the wall. The legs should be straight, and the hands should be on the outer side of the thighs. Slowly, we, as it were, begin to slide down and stop on a coal of 90 degrees. Being at an angle of 90 degrees, we must strain the muscles until they started to get sick. The legs should be parallel from each other. Sixth exercise. To perform this exercise, you need to stand straight your legs to put your shoulders and arms on your belt. We make a large step with the right foot to the right side and stretch with your hand and touch the tok of the fingers. We make a squat on one leg and smoothly go to an arc leg. Legs should always be elongated and hands stretched as much as possible.