Fimosis is an innate or acquired limited hole of the extreme body shell of the penis. Forms the impossibility of exposing the head of the penis. With phimosis, urination disorders appear. As a rule, in adult men there are problems in the process of intercourse. Also, with the impossible of thorough hygiene procedures, complications appear from the accumulation of Smegma. Fimosis in children is treated, it is advisable to do this in the early stages.
In adolescents, the male half with sexual form, uncontrolled night erections occur, and at the first samples of masturbation in boys, the appearance of paraphimosis, which subsequently infringes by squeezing the tissues of the head of the penis, and plunges them to disgust.
In such circumstances, an immediate operation is required. Иногда циркумцизия применяют и при преждевременном семяизвержении. The cut head of the penis is not so sensitive, and subsequently constant contact with the robe of the skin of the head is made to the stale and rough, which increases the duration of sexual intercourse.