Nowadays, the number of thick and full children and youth is growing and increasing every day, this causes more anxiety and of course for children’s pediatricians. Why is the number of full children and children who suffer from obesity increasing? The main reason that so strongly affects the obesity of all children, many children’s pediatricians believe that this is from not proper nutrition and of course food in fast foods.
And the second most important is, of course, that at the present time the abundance of various sweet and fatty foods has increased very much and there is no that load that children should be performed after eating such food. For example, a large percentage of many people is very fond of watching TV and there are various foods, this all leads to obesity and, of course, children repeat the same thing behind adults. And what subsequently leads to obesity in children. At the present time, the future generation has been provided with all living conditions, for example, almost many children spend all their time behind computers. And before this was not the case, the children used to be more in motion. They played a lot, walked, went on various campaigns in one word moved a lot. No matter how offend it ourselves to screw that our children suffer from obesity, because they take an example from us. The main reason for obesity in the child is, of course, we are parents who are doing business and engage in overfeeding our child and constant visiting various institutions with fast and very high -calorie foods. Of course, we do not specifically do all this and practically cannot refuse our child anything. As long as the child is still small, we cannot accurately determine how much food should be eaten so that the child has eaten and after when the child begins to grow, we also cannot refuse him food and we are transferred to the fact that the growing body needs to eat a lot, all this and all this and leads to obesity in our children. While the child is small from this age to control his nutrition, so that later it is not your child and you yourself do not suffer. Many grandmothers and aunts can also affect your child obesity. After all, as the children themselves believe: – "The mother will not allow, the grandmother will definitely allow". And thus, the grandmothers themselves always spoil their grandchildren too much and begin to overfeed them, buy a lot of sweets and goodies. Many scientists have established that if you feed the baby for a long time for a long time, then your child in the future does not wake up to suffer from various diseases, and do not be afraid that the temperature of the baby is high – this is normal. These diseases also include obesity, and for example, if your child eats only artificial mixtures and consumes various baby food from birth, then such children are more likely to occur various diseases, as well as such children most often suffer from obesity. And if you look from the other side obesity can also appear if your child suffers from some kind of disease. To avoid this, you will just need to carry out all the necessary tests to clarify the disease.
There are such cases that after the examination it was found that your child is completely healthy, but despite this, he gains his weight more and more, in order to somehow solve this problem you just need to review the nutrition of your child. You need to try to accustom your child to healthy and vitamin foods a little, for example, the use of fresh and various fruits will perfectly replace many confectionery products and various sweets, but it is not in any way that all the sweets cannot be completely excluded from the diet of your child all the sweets just need to slightly reduce their volume And do not forget, because your child is growing and for normally growth and development, he should at least not eat more sweets. Also try to add fresh vegetables, various sour -milk products and the use of various meat products to the diet. You wakes up you need to watch and monitor what your child eats, the amount of meals should be 5 times. But you can 6 times. For example, if your child is hungry before going to bed, you can give him one apple and what other fruit. You can also replace the fruit with yogurt. Best of all, let your child eat often, but only in small portions. At the expense of snaps, one should not forget, you can intermittently eat fresh fruits that your child likes so much. The obesity of the child is very serious, obesity can also lead to many different diseases, so that dear parents begin to control that your child eats and when he eats.